Thursday, 8 June 2017

WASH in Schools - Hygiene Awareness Program

WASH in Schools - Source:
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in School is an strategic approach to ensure the availability of  safe drinking water, improved sanitation facilities and hygiene education that encourages the development of healthy behaviours for life at the schools. It is a global campaign that aims to improve the health and learning performance of school-aged children – and, by extension, that of their families and friends– by reducing the incidence of water and sanitation-related diseases. WASH in schools is a part of Children Friendly Schools (CFS) framework identified by UNICEF and is implemented around the globe through partners collaborations with WHO, WashAdvocates, IRC, Water Aid and many other INGOs having similar goals. More detailed information on WASH in Schools campaign can be accessed at UNICEF website.

To aid to this initiative and contribute to the common good of the society, Rotary International (RI) along with UNICEF conducted the WASH in Schools awareness program on 06th June, 2017. With the help of Rotaractors and Rotarians in the RI District 3190, a total number of 93,000 students were reached across 500 schools in and around Bangalore with the awareness program seeking to impart the needs and benefits of hand washing after defecation and before eating food and the effective method of hand washing. That is a commendable achievement of which our club Rotaract Club of R.T. Nagar (RCRTN) played a helping hand along with the our parent sponsoring club. Rotaray Bangalore, R.T. Nagar.

Our club approached four public schools, three in R.T. Nagar area and one in Hebbal and disseminated the awareness regarding the health benefits of proper hygiene. We highlighted the need to wash hands properly, especially before eating food. With the help of the teachers and few students identified as ambassadors for the 'WASH in School' project, those who will ensure and oversee the continuous implementation of effective hand washing habit among the school children, we demonstrated to the students the 11 step hand-washing method and asked them to implicate the same by looking at their leaders. The event was conducted with a view to inculcate a behavioral change among the children with respect to personal hygiene and hand-washing.

We also distributed bookmarks containing the step by step guide to effective hand washing to all the school children, asked them to follow the hygiene and make it a regular habit as well as to inform their parents and other friends regarding the need and way to wash hands effectively. We also posted pamphlets showcasing the need for water hygiene and the difference that can be made to the life of school children through the initiatives such as WASH in School (WINS). 

Thanks to efforts of Rotarian Basavraj, Rotarian Rajesh D Nayak, Rotarian Anand as well as Rotaractors Yagya Gaire and Rotaractor Azeem Ulla from Rotary Bangalore, R.T. Nagar and Rotaract Club of R.T. Nagar, Bangalore, we covered approximately 920 school children and imparted the awareness on sanitation, hygiene and the importance of washing hands effectively. Below are the few glimpses of the event covered by R.T. Nagar club. 

Rotarian Rajesh D Nayak and Rotarian Basavraj demonstrating the hand washing procedures to the children at SSA, Hebbal

Rotaractor Yagya Gaire and Rotractor Azeem Ulla, demonstrating the effective way of washing hands to the school children at Urdu School, Ganganagar, Bangalore

Rotaractor Azeem Ulla and Rotarian Basavraj teaching the school ambassadors the hand washing procedure at SSA, Hebbal

Rotaractor Yagya Gaire and Rotractor Azeem Ulla, demonstrating the effective way of washing hands to the school children at Urdu School, Ganganagar, Bangalore

Rotarian Rajesh D Nayak at work at WINS Rotary event

A group photo of Rotaractors Yagya and Azeem with the school staff and children ambassadors at Urdu School, Ganganagar

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