Monday, 26 June 2017

Visit to Art of Living International Center, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore

Rotaractors from R.T. Nagar (RCRTN) on a visit to Art of Living
International Center as a Club Service Event with Guests
As a part of Club Service activity, Rotaractors from R.T. Nagar visited the Art of Living International Center at Kanakapura Road at the outskirts of Bangalore on the 25th of June 2017. Art of Living International Center, founded by humanitarian and spiritual teacher Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and also known as Ashram, is an exquisite place ideal for reflection, retreat and relaxation where people from all backgrounds, religion and ethnicity come together in knowledge, celebration and service.

At Art of Living International Center, Roatractors banished their worries and tensions as they relaxed and meditated at the famous Vishalakshmi Mantapa, the central mediation hall and one of the major attraction of the Ashram.
The agenda of the visit, inter alia, was to get to know each other as well as spend some quality and fun time with fellow rotaractors. Discussion about future projects in the serenity of the Ashram was another objective of the visit. As such, after the lunch, we relaxed for some time enjoying the cool & soothing breeze and peacefulness of the Ashram.

Afterwards, we indulged ourselves in the classic 'Drop the handkerchief ' game. It is a game where players form and sit in a circle and one among the players circles around them with a handkerchief, which he drops behind a player. The other player has to notice this (without looking behind or turning his head around) and run behind the player (with the handkerchief) to overcome him and reach back to the vacant space created by his departure. The one who reaches first sits down and other player starts over. Though it sounds childish, it was a fun game and all the participants enjoyed it, which was seen on their happy and laughing faces. Rtr Yagya Gaire, Rtr Suman Tiwari, Rtr Ajay Adhikari, Rtr Basudev Shrestha, Rtr Sagar Bashyal, Rtr Shishir Rijal along with guests Mr. Hari Bashyal, Mr. Balaji Naik, Mr. Shrikanth, Mr. Manoj B Tamang, Mr. Sagar G Magar and Mr. Keshav Pandey participated in the game.





This was followed by a relaxation session where Rotaractor Basudev Shrestha briefed the fellow rotractors and guests about the benefits of regularly practicing yoga and asanas. He highlighted the importance of breathing and briefed us about various breathing techniques which can be used for relaxation and  mental peace. We didn't stop there, Rtr Basudev demonstrated to the participants those techniques and the rotaractors and guest followed him. We did Anulom Vilom Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing) and other breath regulating pranayamas for about 30 minutes. The participants all expressed that they felt relaxed and refreshed after the session ended.

A short video showing rotaractors practicing the breathing techniques can be viewed at








After the relaxation session, we sat together to discuss upcoming projects of the Rotaract R.T. Nagar club. Rtr Sagar also briefed the guests about Rotaract club and the privilege of being an Rotaractor. Rtr Yagya briefed about the club's present situation, asserted that there is a need to work towards getting new memberships for the club. He also requested Rtr Suman, the treasurer, to work towards collection of membership fee. He took suggestions about projects that the club can take up in the future from the members as well as guests. After brief discussions, Rtr Yagya concluded the meeting.

As the dusk drew close, it was time for this fun and wonderful event to come to an end. Rotaractors and guests suggested that we should call it a day and head back to our homes. Accordingly after few selfies, we headed back together, reminiscing and discussing about the fun we had throughout the day. The memories created through the event will be cherished by all life-long.



Other moments from the visit.

Rtr Basudev Shrestha's art of Rotaract Club of R.T. Nagar Title

Thursday, 8 June 2017

WASH in Schools - Hygiene Awareness Program

WASH in Schools - Source:
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in School is an strategic approach to ensure the availability of  safe drinking water, improved sanitation facilities and hygiene education that encourages the development of healthy behaviours for life at the schools. It is a global campaign that aims to improve the health and learning performance of school-aged children – and, by extension, that of their families and friends– by reducing the incidence of water and sanitation-related diseases. WASH in schools is a part of Children Friendly Schools (CFS) framework identified by UNICEF and is implemented around the globe through partners collaborations with WHO, WashAdvocates, IRC, Water Aid and many other INGOs having similar goals. More detailed information on WASH in Schools campaign can be accessed at UNICEF website.

To aid to this initiative and contribute to the common good of the society, Rotary International (RI) along with UNICEF conducted the WASH in Schools awareness program on 06th June, 2017. With the help of Rotaractors and Rotarians in the RI District 3190, a total number of 93,000 students were reached across 500 schools in and around Bangalore with the awareness program seeking to impart the needs and benefits of hand washing after defecation and before eating food and the effective method of hand washing. That is a commendable achievement of which our club Rotaract Club of R.T. Nagar (RCRTN) played a helping hand along with the our parent sponsoring club. Rotaray Bangalore, R.T. Nagar.

Our club approached four public schools, three in R.T. Nagar area and one in Hebbal and disseminated the awareness regarding the health benefits of proper hygiene. We highlighted the need to wash hands properly, especially before eating food. With the help of the teachers and few students identified as ambassadors for the 'WASH in School' project, those who will ensure and oversee the continuous implementation of effective hand washing habit among the school children, we demonstrated to the students the 11 step hand-washing method and asked them to implicate the same by looking at their leaders. The event was conducted with a view to inculcate a behavioral change among the children with respect to personal hygiene and hand-washing.

We also distributed bookmarks containing the step by step guide to effective hand washing to all the school children, asked them to follow the hygiene and make it a regular habit as well as to inform their parents and other friends regarding the need and way to wash hands effectively. We also posted pamphlets showcasing the need for water hygiene and the difference that can be made to the life of school children through the initiatives such as WASH in School (WINS). 

Thanks to efforts of Rotarian Basavraj, Rotarian Rajesh D Nayak, Rotarian Anand as well as Rotaractors Yagya Gaire and Rotaractor Azeem Ulla from Rotary Bangalore, R.T. Nagar and Rotaract Club of R.T. Nagar, Bangalore, we covered approximately 920 school children and imparted the awareness on sanitation, hygiene and the importance of washing hands effectively. Below are the few glimpses of the event covered by R.T. Nagar club. 

Rotarian Rajesh D Nayak and Rotarian Basavraj demonstrating the hand washing procedures to the children at SSA, Hebbal

Rotaractor Yagya Gaire and Rotractor Azeem Ulla, demonstrating the effective way of washing hands to the school children at Urdu School, Ganganagar, Bangalore

Rotaractor Azeem Ulla and Rotarian Basavraj teaching the school ambassadors the hand washing procedure at SSA, Hebbal

Rotaractor Yagya Gaire and Rotractor Azeem Ulla, demonstrating the effective way of washing hands to the school children at Urdu School, Ganganagar, Bangalore

Rotarian Rajesh D Nayak at work at WINS Rotary event

A group photo of Rotaractors Yagya and Azeem with the school staff and children ambassadors at Urdu School, Ganganagar